The Warren Council
Columbiettes #474
will be collecting for our Postulants and
Seminarians this weekend at SPSJ Church and St.
Mary Church after all Masses. Let us support these
men and women on their way to do God’s work.
Thursday, January 23rd at 6:00 pm Pro-Life
Adoration and Rosary with Mass to follow at
Saturday, January 25th, no 9:00 am Mass, no
confessions as Father Edgar will be away.
There will be NO daily Mass Monday, January 27th
through Thursday, January 30th. Also there will be
no Adoration Thursday, January 30th.
We are looking for trumpeters and flutists for all
Christmas Masses. If you are interested please contact
Patrick Csiszlak after the weekend Masses for more details.
Calling all singers, our beautiful but small choir is looking for
more singers so we may return back to a 4 part choir. Starting
in January we will be having rehearsals at 7:30 pm in the
church following the Thursday evening Mass.
All are welcome!
We are also looking for additional cantors. If you sing well and
are able to sing in front of people please join us in celebrating
For all questions please contact our organist Patrick Csiszlak
after the weekend Masses. Thank you!
Due to the high cost of postage starting in
January 2025 the offering envelopes will be
changed from a monthly mailing to a
bi-monthly mailing. This will be a postage
savings of over a thousand dollars a year for
our parish. Thank you.
Due to safety concerns starting Sunday, December 1,
2024, no one may any longer leave flowers, candles or
statues on the mausoleum floor. Please remove any
items you would like to save before December first. Any
items remaining after December first will be discarded.
You may hang a small hook on the crypt for decorations.
If you need assistance or have any questions please call
the Parish Office. 908-454-0444. Thank you.
From Pastor’s Desk
2025 Mass Intentions
2025 policy will be as follows:
Two Masses per intention per requestor.
Mass intentions for 2025 are now available and will
only be accepted on the REQUEST FORM. You may
mail or drop off your request forms to the Parish
Office. Mass request forms are available at church
entrances/exits and on our website
When mailing please send completed forms to:
St. Mary Church
830 Fifth Avenue
Alpha, NJ 08865
The stipend of $10.00 per Mass MUST accompany your
requests. No Masses will be entered in the book without the
stipend. While every effort will be made to grant your
requests, we cannot guarantee a particular date or time.
Please include your name, phone number/s, and the best
possible time to call. Please provide an email address as well
for us to contact you if there is a problem with the date and
time you are requesting.
2025Tabernacle Candle requests are also available. Forms are
available on the back of the Mass request form and on our
Please note starting January 2025:
Saturday morning Mass will be at 9:00 am.
Thursday evening Mass will be at 7:00 pm with adoration
from 6:00pm to 7:00pm.
Federal holidays (i.e.: 4th of July, Veteran’s Day, President’s
day) will be at 9:00 am.
We are once again able to receive the Precious
Blood, therefore we are in need of additional
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist. We
would like to start a four week rotating schedule,
with three Extraordinary Ministers of the
Eucharist for each Mass. If you are interested in
becoming an Extraordinary Minister of the
Eucharist please call the Parish Office
908-454-0444. Thank you.
Anyone interested in receiving this statue in their home may sign up on the sheet which is located on the table at the entrance to the church. For more information please contact: Ann Knoble at 908-454-0423.
We are looking for volunteers to assist with the counting of the weekly collections. This will occur on Monday mornings from 8:15 am to approximately 10:00 am. We are looking to have four groups scheduled on a rotating basis. If you are interested please call the Parish Office at 908-454-0444 or email at office@[email protected]. Thank you!
As of March 22nd, 216 families have pledged a total of $671,464.70 to the Capital Campaign. We have currently collected funds in the amount of $314,386.93. In regard to the Church roof replacement, bids were submitted to the Diocese and a proposal from Warren Thompson & Son Roofing & Siding was accepted. A contract was signed and work is scheduled to begin in mid-April. Thank you for your continued generosity to the St. Mary Capital Campaign!
If you would like to send cards or letters of encouragement to Father Dawid..... Fr. Dawid J. Wejnerowski Guest House 1601 Joslyn Road Lake Orion, MI 48360-1139
Life Choices is in need of gently used children's summer clothing. Donation Drop Off appointments can be made by calling 908-454-2066 ext. 2. All donations should be brought to 411 S. Main Street, Phillipsburg, NJ. This office provides ongoing help. Thank you!
Catholic Charities Volunteer Opportunity Many individuals and families receive help with basic needs from the Catholic Charities Thrift Store and food pantry in Phillipsburg. They are in need of volunteers to help during weekdays. If you have some time to offer and want to find out more about this volunteer opportunity, please call Maria Hunter 732-713-1750.
Volunteers are needed for our Sanctuary Guild on Wednesday’s, for about an hour, after the 8:00 am Mass to help clean the church. Rotation would be for every 4 weeks. Please call the Parish Office to sign up. 908-454-0444 If you are already a part of the Sanctuary Guild and can no longer serve, please call the Parish Office so we may take you off the list.
Currently many people are being challenged for their food and personal care needs. Catholic Charites Food Bank helps with those needs. Some of the items needed are: Canned items such as: meat, tuna, vegetables, fruits, beans, soup, broth, prepared pasta (i.e. Chef Boyardee), canned and shelf stable milk. Pull top cans are appreciated. Peanut butter, jelly, cereal, instant oatmeal, instant potatoes, rice, coffee, tea, soap, toilet tissue, toothpaste, toothbrushes, dish & laundry detergents. Any donation is greatly appreciated and benefits Catholic Charities Food Bank located on South Main St. in Phillipsburg. One volunteer is still needed to bring the donations to the food bank. If you would like to volunteer please call the Parish Office. 908-454-0444