Adult Choir - Thursdays at 7 PM in church. New Members Welcome! Contact: Gene Giancamilli at 908-454-1616.
Adult Formation Group - Meets Tuesdays in the Parish Center. 9:30-11:00 am. Contact Grace Varga 908-777-3817.
Altar Rosary Society - 4th Tuesday of each month, 8:00 am Mass. ST. MARY ALTAR ROSARY SOCIETY
Columbiettes - 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7 PM at St. Mary Church Hall and St. Philip & St. James - Mercy Hall. Contact: Beverly Redondo 732-239-1759 or Carol Kucheruck 908-454-7637.
Disabilities Ministry - Contact: Chris Sumner at 908-479-1055
Holy Name Society - 2nd Sunday of each month at 8:00 AM Mass. Meeting follows in Church Hall. Contact: Ryan Fucilli 908-454-4233.
Knights of Columbus - Visit or email Keith Gallagher at [email protected].
Knitting and Crocheting - For information call Anne Carey at 908-454-4045.
Martha's Table - Assists parishioners with dinners after surgery, accident, death, or when dealing with a long-term illness. Contact: Debbie Iorio at 908-479-1506 or Gia Van Haute at 908-835-1136.
Mary's Helpers - A group of parishioners available to help families with refreshments after a Funeral Mass. Call office at 908-454-0444 for more information.
St. Philip & St. James Catholic School - Serving Pre-K through 8th grade. For information, call 908-859-1244
Sanctuary Guild - Rotating groups clean the church on Thursdays following the 8am Mass Volunteers are needed for our Sanctuary
Guild on Wednesday’s after the
8:00 am Mass.
Rotation would be for every 4 weeks.
Please call the office to sign up!
Social Concerns - Check the bulletin for meeting dates.
Youth Group - Grades 8-12. Contact roberta bedo at 908-319-2702.